Schedule A Session
Mindfulness Coaching
Ask Yourself what is the life that I want to create? What limiting beliefs are holding you back? Mindfulness Coaching helps you find peacefulness by gently letting go of judgments that are blocking the view to truly see yourself. Mindfulness Coaching can provide you with a surfboard of compassionate self-forgiveness and balance to ride the waves of life and live the life you are intended.
Please Note: Privates and group sessions can be done livestream through Zoom or in-person.
- Group Sessions
- Private Sessions
- 30 Minutes $50
- 60 Minutes $100
- 90 Minutes $150
Hatha Yoga
Yoga Class with Tina Hilbert C-IAYT
Kundalini Yoga:
Kundalini Yoga is known for its emphasis on experiencing inner energy and spiritual growth. These classes have a fusion of traditional Kundalini techniques with the precision and alignment principles borrowed from Hatha Yoga. This blend allows you to harness the power of your muscles while tapping into the profound energy within. Each class provides a holistic and balanced approach to yoga, supporting physical and spiritual well-being. Meditation, mantra, mudra, breathing exercises, dancing, and mindful movements are blended throughout the class. Experience a harmonious union of traditional yogic technology and innovation, where movement and breathing exercises meet the awakening of the "sensory human being" inner potential.
Hatha Yoga:
The Hatha Yoga classes draw inspiration from the notable lineages of Bishnu Ghosh and BKS Iyengar. Hatha Yoga is a comprehensive and timeless practice that focuses on building strength, enhancing mobility, and cultivating mindfulness. With a deep commitment to alignment and muscular function, our Hatha Yoga classes empower you to unlock the full potential of your asana (posture) practice. We help you build a robust and resilient foundation for everyday life through a tailored approach, allowing you to move carefully and confidently.
Yin Yoga:
Experience the transformative power of Yin Yoga, a practice inspired by the wisdom of Bernie Clark. Yin Yoga classes delve into the profound world of deep connective tissues. Holding passive postures for extended durations will release tension, improve flexibility, and cultivate inner serenity. Muscular functionality isn't just about strength; it's also about resilience and adaptability. Through our tailored approach, we help you adapt your practice to your comfort, ensuring your body and well-being can rejuvenate in a state of deep relaxation.
Restorative Yoga:
Restorative Yoga sessions are an ode to the teachings of Judith and her daughter, Lizzie Lasater. This style of yoga is designed for ultimate relaxation and holistic well-being. In these classes, you are fully supported, creating comfortable postures that promote physical and mental rejuvenation. Muscular relaxation goes hand in hand with overall health and quality of life. Through our tailored approach, we help you create a personalized practice, releasing tension, reducing stress, and nurturing your body to embrace a profound sense of bliss.
Adaptive Yoga:
Tina Hilbert Consulting understands that each individual's skeletal and muscular functionality is unique. All of our classes consider and curate Adaptive Yoga functionality and customizations to cater to your specific requirements, allowing everyone to benefit from the wisdom of yoga. Whether you have physical limitations, are recovering from injuries, or want a practice that aligns with your wellness goals, we customize each session.
Muscular functionality and movement are about personal empowerment, inclusivity, and progress. Our tailored approach ensures that you can adapt your practice to your unique needs, providing the tools to enhance your physical and mental well-being, regardless of age or ability.
Please Note: Privates and group sessions are via Livestream through Zoom or in-person.
- Group Classes
- Private Lessons
- 200-RYT Classes
- 30 Minutes $50
- 60 Minutes $100
- 90 Minutes $150
iRest Yoga Nidra Meditation with Tina Hilbert C-IAYT (Certified iRest Level 1 Teacher):
Discover the profound practice of iRest Meditation, developed by Dr. Richard Miller, it is a powerful and evidence-based form of meditation that offers a unique approach to inner healing and self-discovery. iRest Meditation allows you to experience a deeply transformative journey within yourself.
The benefits of iRest include stress reduction, improved sleep, enhanced emotional well-being, and increased resilience. This meditation technique guides you on a path to greater self-awareness and inner peace.
In addition to iRest Meditation, Tina Hilbert Consulting also offers other meditation styles, each with its unique benefits:
Mindfulness Meditation
As taught and inspired by her teacher, Sean Fargo, along with her Vipassana practice, she facilitates a mindfulness meditation focusing on observing the breath and bodily sensations. This practice cultivates clarity of mind, improved concentration, and insight into the nature of reality. Mindfulness Meditation, like iRest meditation, helps you develop greater awareness and equanimity in facing life's challenges.
Yoga Nidra:
Yoga Nidra, or "yogic sleep," is a guided meditation that leads you into a state of profound relaxation while maintaining awareness. This practice promotes deep rest, stress relief, and the release of mental and emotional tension. It's an excellent tool for rejuvenating your mind and body.
Explore the meditation techniques Tina Hilbert Consulting offers and how each can support your well-being. Whether you're seeking stress reduction, enhanced self-awareness, or improved sleep, our meditation practices provide the tools you need to lead a more balanced and fulfilling life.
Please Note: Privates and group sessions are via Livestream through Zoom or in-person.
- Group Classes
- Private Lessons
- 30 Minutes $50
- 60 Minutes $100
- 90 Minutes $150
Thai Yoga
Reiki Bodywork
Reiki is universal life energy. A healing technique based on the principal of channeling healing energy from teacher to client. Known to activate the natural healing process of the body and could restore physical and emotional well-being. Thai Yoga is a combination of assisted stretching, massage, breathing and applied pressure onto the muscles and bones. Known to open energy lines throughout the body.
Reiki & Thai Bodywork is a fusion of healing modalities. It is done on a padded floor or massage table. Please, wear comfortable clothes for the session.
Please Note: Privates and group sessions are via Livestream through Zoom or in-person.
- 30 Minutes $50
- 60 Minutes $100
- 90 Minutes $150